90年代传奇合成器 JD-850 KONTAKT

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准备好让自己沉浸在 Kontakt 乐器中 90 年代最具标志性和传奇性的合成器之一的巨大声音中。包含鼓舞人心 […]



准备好让自己沉浸在 Kontakt 乐器中 90 年代最具标志性和传奇性的合成器之一的巨大声音中。包含鼓舞人心的琶音、郁郁葱葱的垫子、肥厚的贝司、尖叫的主音和刺耳的合成器声音的任意组合。以 44.100 Hz 24 位立体声采样以获得非常清晰的声音。在 Kontakt 效果器、滤波器和调制器的帮助下,声音在 Kontakt 中重新创建。再加上一个琶音器,可以提供更多的声音可能性。
Get ready to immerse yourself into the massive sounds of one of the most iconic and legendary synthesizers from the nineties in a Kontakt instrument. Contains inspiring arpeggios, lush pads, fat basses, screaming leads and pearcing synth sounds in any combination. Sampled in 44.100 Hz 24 Bit stereo for a very clear sound. The sounds are re-created in Kontakt with the help of the kontakt effects, filters and modulators. And with the addition of an arpeggiator, even more sound possibilities are available.
