电子合成器 Synth Essentials Vol.1 KONTAKT

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自豪地展示我们虚拟乐器系列中的第一个,Synth Essentials Volume 1。您的全新合成器库。超 […]



自豪地展示我们虚拟乐器系列中的第一个,Synth Essentials Volume 1。您的全新合成器库。超过 300 个预设经过精心手工制作、雕刻和采样,来自各种模拟、波表和颗粒合成器。包括合成器、打击垫、贝司、Stabs、Plucks、背景纹理和 Atmos 效果。所有这些都使用高端硬件和行业领先的软件混合处理,为您的作品带来丰富、温暖的模拟声音。干净直观的定制设计用户界面。让事情保持简单和整洁,同时仍然让您完全控制雕刻您的声音。干净直观的定制设计用户界面。让事情保持简单和整洁,同时仍然让您完全控制雕刻您的声音。内置的可编辑效果包括:磁带饱和、压缩、延迟和具有 60 个脉冲响应的卷积混响
Proudly presenting the first in our range of virtual instruments, Synth Essentials Volume 1. Your new go-to library for all things synth. Over 300 presets painstakingly hand-crafted, sculpted and sampled from a wide range of analog, wavetable and granular synths. Includes Synths, Pads, Basses, Stabs, Plucks, Background Textures and Atmos Effects. All tastefully processed using a mixture of high-end hardware and industry leading software to bring a rich, warm analog sound to your productions. A clean and intuitive custom designed user interface. Keeping things simple and uncluttered while still giving you full control over sculpting your sound. A clean and intuitive custom-designed user interface. Keeping things simple and uncluttered while still giving you full control over sculpting your sound. The built-in editable effects include; Tape Saturation, Compression, Delay and a Convolution Reverb with 60 impulse responses
