Prophet 600 是一款基于传奇 Prophet-5 的低成本合成器,是世界上第一款带有 MIDI 接口的合成器。它有六个声音和与 Prophet-5 相同的 Curtis 合成器芯片。包络和 LFO 是由计算机生成的,并且还添加了一个琶音器和一个 400 音符的复音音序器以使交易更加甜蜜。
The Prophet 600 was a low-cost synthesizer based on the legendary Prophet-5 and was the world’s first synthesizer with a MIDI interface. It had six voices and the same Curtis synthesizer chips used in the Prophet-5. The envelopes and LFO were generated by the computer, and an arpeggiator and a 400-note polyphonic sequencer were also added to sweeten the deal.