由于独特的“年龄”参数,Tiny Music Box 在创造精致、闪烁的旋律方面与在营造黑暗、令人毛骨悚然的氛围方面同样强大。 “年龄”功能添加了一些微妙(或不那么微妙)的失谐,以及处理声音以创建更暗的音色,非常适合恐怖配乐。内置的“氛围”层为音乐盒增添了梦幻般的延音。不完全是混响,也不完全是垫子——这一层是用经过处理的音乐盒录音创建的,并与干样本完美融合,创造出郁郁葱葱、超凡脱俗的尾音。 “氛围”层的音量和立体声宽度可以根据您的喜好进行调整。
The Tiny Music Box is equally powerful at creating delicate, twinkling melodies as it is at producing dark, creepy ambiances, thanks to the unique ‘age’ parameter. The ‘age’ function adds some subtle (or not so subtle) detuning, as well as processing the sound to create a darker timbre, perfect for horror scores. The built-in ‘atmosphere’ layer adds a dreamy sustain to the music box. Not quite a reverb, not quite a pad – this layer was created with manipulated music box recordings, and blends perfectly with the dry samples to create lush, otherworldly tails. The volume and stereo width of the ‘atmosphere’ layer can be adjusted to your taste.