复古吉他音源 Vintage Guitars KONTAKT

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Vintage Guitars 包含 25 个纯怀旧的套件,每个套件都包含多个经典、有机和复古吉他。 Vint […]



Vintage Guitars 包含 25 个纯怀旧的套件,每个套件都包含多个经典、有机和复古吉他。 Vintage Guitars 使用复古和稀有的吉他、放大器、麦克风、前置放大器和外置设备精心录制和创作,以实现纯粹的复古氛围。吉他的类型包括原声拾音器、原声高弦吉他、清洁电吉他、失真电吉他、强力和重型吉他、静音吉他、Skank 和 Funk 吉他、滑盖吉他、钢吉他等等。作为 Xtended 系列的一部分,每个套件都包含多个歌曲部分(Verse、Chorus、Bridge/Breakdown、Turnaround 和 Outro),允许几乎无限的选择,并为您提供您需要调整的所有内容。探索你内心的音乐家,创作具有昔日氛围的曲目,制作出与众不同的音乐!
Vintage Guitars contains 25 Kits of pure nostalgia with each and every kit containing multiple classic, organic and vintage guitars. Vintage Guitars was meticulously recorded and created using vintage and rare guitars, amps, microphones, pre-amps and outboard gear in order to achieve that pure vintage vibe. Types of Guitars include Acoustic Picking, Acoustic Hi-Strung, Clean Electrics, Distorted Electrics, Power and Heavy Guitars, Muted Guitars, Skank and Funk Guitars, Slide Guitars, Steel Guitars and many more. As part of the Xtended Series, each and every kit contains multiple song sections (Verse, Chorus, Bridge/Breakdown, Turnaround and Outro) allowing for virtually unlimited options and giving you everything you need to tweak to your hearts content. Explore your inner musician, create tracks that have the vibe of yesteryear and make music that stands out!
