电影效果电吉他音源 Impromptu Electric Guitars

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Impromptu Electric Guitars 是一款具有电影效果的 Kontakt 6 乐器,具有 2 […]



Impromptu Electric Guitars 是一款具有电影效果的 Kontakt 6 乐器,具有 21 个音色和超过 8GB 的??样本。 IEG 致力于创建基于吉他的复杂、不断发展的音景。三把出色的吉他(包括电男中音)以 48kHz/24 位的频率进行了非常详细的采样,使用电容和带状麦克风,并通过大量吉他踏板进行处理。 IEG 的核心是即兴引擎。一个利用即兴的、未同步的片段循环与颗粒合成器相结合的系统。我们在三个不同的强度层中录制了即兴表演,您可以使用默认映射到调制轮的中央旋钮在它们之间进行交叉渐变。在调制轮完全放下的情况下弹奏一个音符将在该音高上触发一个稀疏的即兴循环;开始向上移动调制轮以逐渐交叉淡入淡出到中层,最后到密集层。除了强度之外,还以不同的方式对演奏乐器的层进行采样:稀疏层是用手指弹奏吉他记录的,中等层是使用柔软、光滑的木拨片记录的,而密集层是使用厚厚的,硬塑料挑。
Impromptu Electric Guitars is a cinematic Kontakt 6 instrument featuring 21 patches and over 8GB of samples. IEG is dedicated to the creation of complex guitar-based, ever-evolving soundscapes. Three exceptional guitars (including an electric Baritone) were sampled in great detail at 48kHz/24bit, using condenser and ribbon microphones and processed through a large number of guitar pedals. The centrepiece of IEG is the Impromptu Engine; a system that utilises loops of improvised, un-synced snippets combined with a granular synthesizer. We recorded improvised performances in three different intensity layers that you are able to crossfade between using the central knob which is mapped to the mod-wheel by default. Playing a note with the mod-wheel completely down will trigger a sparse improvised loop on that pitch; start moving the mod- wheel up to gradually crossfade to the medium and finally, to the dense layer. Other than the intensity, the layers were also sampled playing the instrument in different ways: the sparse layer was recorded playing the guitar with fingers, the medium layer was recorded using a soft, smooth, wooden pick while the dense layer was recorded using a thick, hard plastic pick.
