低音卡林巴音源 Rumba Boxes KONTAKT

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Rumba Boxes 是由乐器大师发明家巴特·霍普金 (Bart Hopkin) 构思的大型木制贝斯 kal […]



Rumba Boxes 是由乐器大师发明家巴特·霍普金 (Bart Hopkin) 构思的大型木制贝斯 kalimbas 的创意组合。这个图书馆拥有 2 种独特的手工制作的乐器,具有令人难忘的形状和力学。它们具有丰富的声学本质,在每个音符中都发出明亮的回响。我们包含了广泛的可演奏发音、声音设计纹理、打击垫、无人机和多个麦克风选项,为您提供新鲜的音乐灵感。 Rumba Box 是在说英语的加勒比地区用于低音卡林巴的名称。通常,玩家坐在盒子上,从两腿之间伸手去拔尖齿。大多数是彩色的,尖齿由弹簧回火钢棒或棒制成。一些尖齿经过重新整形,以调整最突出的泛音相对于基音的调音,使音质更加连贯。有些在尖齿上有嘎嘎声。拨浪鼓带出重新调整的泛音,并赋予音调独特的优势。 Rumba Box 包括弹拨、拨片和打击乐。
Rumba Boxes is a creative assortment of large wooden bass kalimbas from the mind of master instrument inventor Bart Hopkin. This library features 2 unique handcrafted instruments with memorable shapes and mechanics. They have a richly acoustic essence that resounds brightly through each note. We’ve included a wide spectrum of playable articulations, sound-design textures, pads, drones, and multiple microphone options to give you fresh musical inspiration. Rumba Box is a name used in the English-speaking Caribbean for bass kalimba. Typically the player sits on the box, reaching down between his legs to pluck the tines. Most are chromatic, with tines made of spring-tempered steel rods or bars. Some tines have been reshaped to adjust the tuning of the most prominent overtone relative to the fundamental, making a more coherent tone quality. Some have rattles on the tines. The rattles bring out the re-tuned overtone and give a distinctive edge to the tone. Rumba Box includes plucks, picks, and percussion.
