印度打击乐鼓音源 Indian Percussion Series

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“印度打击乐系列”是一个 Kontakt 库,可为您带来 1000 多个来自传统乐器的印度打击乐循环,如 Ta […]



“印度打击乐系列”是一个 Kontakt 库,可为您带来 1000 多个来自传统乐器的印度打击乐循环,如 Tabla、Pakhwaj、Hand Dhol、Bagel Baccha、Naal、Duff、Duffli 和 Matkain。这个 Kontakt 库专门设计用于为 Hip Hop、Trap、Dubstep、RnB 和 Future Bass 等流派的当代节拍增添趣味。它还可以与来自各种节奏的各种其他类型融合,包括 80、100、120 和 125 BPM。这个包中的所有循环都是未经处理的,所以你有一个空白的开始来塑造你自己的声音。所有循环都经过专业录制且 100% 免版税,因此一旦购买,您就可以在商业版本中使用它们,而无需任何隐藏费用。
‘Indian Percussion Series’ is a Kontakt library that brings you 1000+ Indian percussion loops from traditional instruments such as Tabla, Pakhwaj, Hand Dhol, Bagel Baccha, Naal, Duff, Duffli and Matkain. This Kontakt library has been specifically designed to spice up contemporary beats from genres such as Hip Hop, Trap, Dubstep, RnB, and Future Bass. It can also be fused with a variety of other genres from a variety of tempos including 80, 100, 120, and 125 BPM. All the loops in this pack are unprocessed, so you have a blank start to shape your own sound. All the loops are expertly recorded and 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use them in your commercial release without having any hidden cost.
