Passionate Bansuri 由 120 个录制的 Bansuri 乐句组成,这是一种传统的印度长笛,由 Girish Kale 演奏并由 Ashutosh Sohoni 录制。所有乐句都同步并记录在 C、D 和 G 键中。结合音高键,您可以快速调整任何乐句以适应音轨现有的速度和和声结构。好像这还不够,Ashutosh 在 120 个可用样本上应用了一些个人魔法混响酱,将内容翻倍,达到 240 个热情播放和录制的乐句。
The Passionate Bansuri consists of 120 recorded phrases of the Bansuri, a traditional Indian flute, played by none other than Girish Kale and recorded by Ashutosh Sohoni. All of the phrases are timing synced and recorded in the key of C, D, and G. In combination with the pitch keys, you can quickly adapt any phrase to your track’s existing tempo and harmonic structure. As if this wouldn’t be enough, Ashutosh applied some personal magic reverb sauce on the 120 available samples, doubling the content up to 240 passionately played and recorded phrases.