原声长笛 Brute Flute KONTAKT

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作为电影采样的首创,Brute Flute 是一个与众不同的低音提琴库。这个美妙的音乐库以非凡的细节录制,捕捉 […]



作为电影采样的首创,Brute Flute 是一个与众不同的低音提琴库。这个美妙的音乐库以非凡的细节录制,捕捉了一系列电影纹理、谐波装饰、爆炸性的发音和富有表现力的真实连奏,拥有一组非常独特和鼓舞人心的声音。我们全新的 Experiments 系列的第三个版本,这个库由著名的长笛演奏家演奏,他以在 Alien Covenant、Horizo??n Zero Dawn、Mary Magdalene 等大片中的精湛演奏而闻名。图书馆是在伦敦市中心的一个干燥的评分台上录制的,使用一些最好的麦克风来捕捉 Gareth 迷人表演的每一个细微差别。 <em>为了捕捉 Gareth 在这台宏伟乐器上的演奏,我们选择了位于伦敦市中心的干式乐谱舞台。我们认为这很重要,因为我们想以私密的细节记录每一个细微差别,提供干净而灵活的录音,可用于前期、激进的声音,或后期处理以创造出宽敞的电影声音。我们录制了多个麦克风视角,例如 Close Mono、Close Stereo、Mid Stereo 和 Far Stereo,并使用了 Beyer M160、AKG C414、Neumann U87 和 Neumann TLM103 等顶级麦克风。</em>
A first in cinematic sampling, Brute Flute is a Contrabass Flute library like no other. Recorded in exceptional detail and capturing a range of cinematic textures, harmonic embellishments, explosive articulations and an expressive true legato, this wonderful library features a highly unique and inspiring set of sounds. The third release in our brand new Experiments range, this library was performed by renowned flautist, who is known for his virtuosic performances across blockbusters such as Alien Covenant, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mary Magdalene and many more. The library was recorded on a dry scoring stage in the heart of London, using some of the best microphones to capture every nuance of Gareth’s captivating performances. To capture Gareth’s performance on this magnificent instrument, we chose a dry scoring stage in the heart of London. We thought this was important as we wanted to record every nuance in intimate detail, providing clean and flexible recordings that can be used for an upfront, aggressive sound, or manipulated afterwards to create a spacious, cinematic sound. We recorded multiple microphone perspectives such as Close Mono, Close Stereo, Mid Stereo and Far Stereo, and used top quality microphones such as the Beyer M160, AKG C414, Neumann U87 and Neumann TLM103.
