这个库具有深度采样的弹拨古筝,一种类似竖琴的小型乐器,以近距离立体声录制,并映射到四个八度音阶的可演奏范围内。还有一层环境声设计,“梦幻层”,与原声古筝完美融合。 Dream Zither 在干燥的空间中近距离拾音,可以灵活地添加您想要的混响量。它是用多个力度层录制的,可以进行非常细腻和逼真的演奏。 Dream Layer 是一个环境声音设计的床,由古筝样本制成,经过多方面的转换和处理,创造出与干古筝完美融合的空灵垫。 Dream Layer 的音量、强度和音高可以自定义,以创建一系列音色颜色。或者,可以完全禁用 Dream Layer 以获得纯粹的古筝声音。 Dream Zither 被设计成一种“即插即用”的乐器,开箱即用,听起来很棒,但仍为您提供足够的灵活性来拨入自己的声音。
This library features a deeply sampled plucked zither, a small harp-like instrument, recorded in close stereo, and mapped across a playable range of four octaves. There is an additional layer of ambient sound design, the ‘dream layer’, which blends beautifully with the acoustic zither. Dream Zither was close miked in a dry space, allowing the flexibility of adding how much or little reverb you want. It was recorded with a multitude of velocity layers, which allows for very delicate and realistic playing. The Dream Layer is a bed of ambient sound design, made from the zither samples, transformed and processed in many ways to create an ethereal pad which blends with the dry zither perfectly. The volume, intensity and pitch of the Dream Layer can be customised to create a range of timbral colours. Alternatively, the Dream Layer can be disabled completely for a pure zither sound. Dream Zither is designed to be a ‘plug and play’ instrument which sounds great out of the box, but still gives you enough flexibility to dial in your own sound.