民乐低音古筝音源 KOTO 17 KONTAKT

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KOTO 17 是 Virtuoso Japanese 系列的第七个标题,将 17 弦低音古筝的声音带给世界各 […]



KOTO 17 是 Virtuoso Japanese 系列的第七个标题,将 17 弦低音古筝的声音带给世界各地的音乐创作者,这是现代日本音乐中不可或缺的一部分。在 KOTO 13 开发三年后,KOTO 17 受益于先进的功能,可以从库中获得新的音质。当然,KOTO 17 可以用作独奏乐器。但它与 13 弦古筝和尺八非常相得益彰,使其成为古典和现代日本音乐界的重要组成部分。当与 Virtuoso Japanese Series 中的其他游戏(如 KOTO 13、KOTO 20 或尺八)搭配使用时,KOTO 17 可以完成一个令人难以置信的强大合奏。
KOTO 17, the seventh title in the Virtuoso Japanese Series, brings the sounds of the 17-string bass koto, an indispensable part of modern Japanese music, to music creators everywhere. Coming three years after the development of KOTO 13, KOTO 17 benefits from advanced features that coax new tonal qualities from the library. Naturally, KOTO 17 can be used as a solo instrument. But it complements the 13-string koto and shakuhachi extraordinarily well, making it an essential component in both classical and contemporary Japanese music circles. And when paired with other titles from the Virtuoso Japanese Series, such as KOTO 13, KOTO 20, or Shakuhachi, KOTO 17 can complete an incredibly powerful ensemble.
