在我们的第一个东方弦乐虚拟乐器库中,我们精心捕捉了具有 2000 年历史的中国琵琶(称为琵琶)的每一个音符。 Solo Pipa 为当今的现代制作人和作曲家提供了制作排行榜榜首的流行作品和电影史诗管弦乐曲的能力,其独特的声音在音乐界很少听到。
In our first Strings of the Orient virtual instrument library, we meticulously captured every note of the 2,000 year old Chinese lute, known as the Pipa. Solo Pipa offers today’s modern producers and composers the ability to produce chart-topping pop productions and cinematic epic-orchestral pieces, with unique sounds rarely heard before in the music industry.