虚拟民乐古筝音源 KOTO 13 KONTAKT

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KOTO 13,一个精心制作的虚拟 13 弦古筝——我们新的 Virtuoso Japanese 系列 Kon […]



KOTO 13,一个精心制作的虚拟 13 弦古筝——我们新的 Virtuoso Japanese 系列 Kontakt 乐器的第一个版本。 13弦古筝是日本最尊贵的传统乐器之一。从优雅的单弹拨音到激进的滑音,古筝拥有广泛的音乐表现力,可以为日本传统音乐、现代电影配乐和许多其他流派增添一丝精致和优雅。
KOTO 13, an exquisitely crafted virtual 13-string koto — the first release in our new Virtuoso Japanese Series of Kontakt instruments. The 13-string koto is one of Japan’s most dignified traditional instruments. Capable of everything from elegant, single plucked notes to aggressive glissandos, the koto boasts a wide range of musical expressions and can add a dash of refinement and grace to traditional Japanese music, modern film scores, and many other genres.
