<strong>来自屡获殊荣的 Ethera 系列的创造者,</strong> ELEMENTS 是一款全新、超大且功能强大的 Kontakt 乐器。一种独特的新工具,用于创建当代配乐、电影音乐、强调和声音设计。 Elements 中包含的所有样本都是通过记录有机声源、声学乐器和特定环境而创建的。 Elements 为您提供 3 个强大的图层,是一种独特的波表混合合成器。它具有超过 23Gb 的巨大 wave-rom,并带有专为声音设计师和配乐作曲家开发的一系列令人难以置信的有用声音。例如,我们对一系列原声乐器进行了采样,包括具有美妙原始声音的出色的老式英国大提琴。古典吉他、电吉他、毛毡钢琴、硬件模块化合成器、维京号角、木槌乐器、金属物品、传统打击乐器等等。我们还使用特定的水下麦克风从不同的角度对大量声音和环境进行采样,以创造创新的声音和纹理。
From the creator of the award winning Ethera series, ELEMENTS is an all-new, stupendously large, and powerful Kontakt Instrument. A unique new tool for creating contemporary soundtracks, cinematic music, underscoring and sound design. All the samples included in Elements were created by recording organic sources, acoustic instruments, and particular environments. Providing you with 3 powerful Layers, Elements is a unique wavetable Hybrid Synth. It has a huge wave-rom of over 23Gb and comes with an incredible array of useful sounds specifically developed for sound designers, and soundtrack composers. For example, we have sampled an array of acoustic instruments including a superb old English Cello with a fantastic raw sound. Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Felt Piano, Hardware Modular Synths, Viking Horns, Mallet Instruments, Metal objects, traditional percussions and much more. We have also used a particular underwater microphone to sample a lot of sounds and environments from a different perspective in order to create innovative sounds & textures.