钟声玻璃和金属物体特殊音效库 Vagabond Crystal KONTAKT

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Vagabond Crystal 样本库的创建是为了利用钟声、玻璃和金属物体的声音。使用和采样了各种物品:一个 […]



Vagabond Crystal 样本库的创建是为了利用钟声、玻璃和金属物体的声音。使用和采样了各种物品:一个唱歌碗,西藏铃铛,一个小锣,酒杯,一个盘盖,水,石头,合成器,以及硬件和软件效果器。这个想法是为了向水晶、闪亮的声音和音景以及……洞穴致敬。是的,在我的脑海中,这些声音,它们的长音和闪烁会立即让我想起洞穴,以及下降到它们怪异的深处的图像。我漫步在他们石质的大厅、走廊和画廊,欣赏大自然母亲艺术作品的静谧之美。石笋和钟乳石就像雕像一样,守护着从湿冷的墙壁和天花板滴落的水滴回声。一条地下河把我带离地表很远。时间在黑暗中静止,眼睛看不见。想象力变得栩栩如生。我变成了在黑暗中游荡的水晶,像一个没有家的流浪汉。
The Vagabond Crystal sample library was created to utilize the sounds of bells, glass, and metal objects. Various items were used and sampled: A singing bowl, Tibetan bells, a little gong, wine glasses, a dish cover, water, rocks, a synthesizer, plus hardware and software effectors. The idea was to pay homage to crystal, shiny sounds and soundscapes and… caves. Yes, these sounds, their long sustains and sparkle instantly bring up images of caves, and of descent into their eerie depths, in my mind. I wander through their stony halls, corridors and galleries, and admire the silent beauty of Mother Nature’s work of art. Stalagmites and stalactites, like statues, guard the returning echoes of water drops dripping from wet, cold walls and ceilings. An underground river is taking me far away from the surface. Time is standing still in the darkness, eyes don’t see. Imagination comes to life. I become a crystal who wanders through the dark, like a vagabond without a home.
