Dark Matter 是一个先进的 Loop Re-Sequencer,它以多种方式与速度同步 Loops 一起工作。它有 13 个音序器行,并在其核心使用 7 个库中的 889 个循环,其中包括合成音序、变形声音、无线电声音、鼓点和循环。可以使用允许选择 16 个起点的切片序列器在每个步骤上选择其中任何一个部分。每个库还有 22 种模式,包括 LFO Chops 和反向模式等。主音序器每行可以有不同的步长,从而可以轻松快速地构建复杂的多节奏序列。它可以运行自由式或强制每 X 步重置。音序器的一个主要重点是每个旋钮都可以记录为 DAW 自动化,因此可以在整个混音中演变一个音序。
Dark Matter is an Advanced Loop Re-Sequencer which works with tempo synced Loops in a variety of ways. It has 13 Sequencer Rows and uses 889 loops across 7 Banks at it’s core which includes Synth Sequences, Morphing Sounds, Radio Sounds, Drum Hits and Loops. Sections of any of these can be selected on each step using the Slice Sequencer which allows and of 16 start points to be chosen. There are also 22 modes for each bank that include things such as LFO Chops and reverse modes. The Main Sequencer can have different step lengths per Row which allows building complex polyrhythmic sequences easily and quickly. It can run freestyle or be forced to reset every X steps. A major focus of the sequencer is that every knob can be recorded as DAW automation so it is possible to evolve a sequence throughout a mix.