扩展版中虚拟独奏弦乐的终极集合。所有内容都经过精心录制,细节无穷无尽,经过精确编辑并合并为 NI 的 Kontakt 播放器的实用乐器。这 14 种乐器共有 100,000 个单个样本、多达 38 个关节和 4 种不同的连奏过渡,采用独特的相位对齐技术处理,以在多达 8 个动态层之间实现完美的 X-fade 混合。通过完全自然的声音过渡播放从平滑柔和到大声尖叫,所有这些都没有伪影或相位。
The ultimate collection of virtual Solo Strings in the EXtended Version. All recorded with greatest care and endless details, precisely edited and merged into a practical and musical instrument for NI’s Kontakt Player. The fourteen instruments, with a total of 100,000 single samples, up to 38 articulations and 4 different legato transitions were treated with unique phase align techniques for perfect X-fade blending between up to 8 dynamic layers. Play from smooth & soft to screaming loud with completely natural sounding transitions, all without artefacts or phasing.