简单的爵士贝司音源 Simple Jazz Bass KONTAKT

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The Little Whistler 专为 Kontakt 4.2 及更高版本设计,使用速度切换在短促、持续 […]



The Little Whistler 专为 Kontakt 4.2 及更高版本设计,使用速度切换在短促、持续和连贯的持续人类口哨发音之间进行切换。包括呼吸选择,并且可以使用调制轮调整音量。 * 此乐器也可以作为包含 8 种 Kontakt 乐器的管乐器套装的一部分购买 请注意:需要完整版的 Kontakt 4.2 或更高版本。不适用于 Kontakt 播放器。
Designed for Kontakt 4.2 and above, The Little Whistler uses velocity switching to change between short, sustained and slurred sustained human whistle articulations. A selection of breaths is included and volume can be adjusted using the modulation wheel. * This instrument can also be purchased as part of a Wind Instruments Bundle featuring 8 Kontakt instruments Please note: The full version of Kontakt 4.2 or above is required. Not for Kontakt Player.
