影视特效电子音源 Risenge Pro KONTAKT

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一种新的电影电吉他乐器,将扩展您的想象力。捕捉欧洲最伟大的吉他手和作曲家之一克劳迪奥·夸塔罗内的前卫声音,我们 […]



一种新的电影电吉他乐器,将扩展您的想象力。捕捉欧洲最伟大的吉他手和作曲家之一克劳迪奥·夸塔罗内的前卫声音,我们在这款 Kontakt 乐器中重新创建了他的标志性音乐调色板。对于媒体作曲家、制作人和音乐家来说,这款立即鼓舞人心的乐器直观且易于演奏。这些环境、感性、抽象、电影般的吉他声音和生动的音乐纹理将为您的音乐增添色彩和深度。通过组合两个声源、调整每个声源以及全局效果来使用它。这意味着您可以到镇上从提供的声源中创建自己独特的吉他纹理。该库还包含大量预设,可帮助您入门。从更自然弹奏的吉他声音,到打击垫和类似键盘的声音,以及更具设计感的纹理和抽象声音。有时它听起来像吉他,有时又像有机合成器,但其中包含的所有声音都来自克劳迪奥的吉他。
A new cinematic electric guitar instrument that will expand your imagination. Capturing the avant-garde sound of one of Europe’s greatest guitarists and composers, Claudio Quartarone, we have recreated his signature musical palette inside this Kontakt instrument. For media composers, producers and musicians, this immediately inspiring instrument is intuitive and easily playable. These ambient, sensual, abstract, cinematic guitar sounds and vivid musical textures will add colour and depth to your music. Use it by combining two sound sources, adjusting the effects for each one, as well as global effects. This means you can go to town creating your own unique guitar textures from the provided sound sources. This library also comes packed with a vast array of presets to get you started. From more naturally played guitar sounds, to pads and keyboard-like sounds, as well as more designed textural and abstract sounds. Sometimes it sounds like a guitar, and other times like an organic synthesizer, but all the sounds contained within are derived from Claudio’s guitar.
