Prepared Piano 是在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的 MGM Scoring Stage 和 Hollywood Scoring Studios Stage 录制的 3 架钢琴的合集。它具有洛杉矶工作室音乐家 Randy Kerber 使用的各种扩展技术。几年前,在 The Bridge 的一次录音会议上,我们正在录制 Nami 的主题,这是 Randy Kerber(钢琴,Randy’s Celeste)和 Amy Tatum(长笛)之间的宽敞钢琴二重奏。在其中一次休息期间,Randy 开始在钢琴内演奏一些博物馆油灰,使乐器呈现出一种微妙的、蒙面的和暗示性的水下音色。这是一个如此聪明和不寻常的声音,我们决定在二重奏中间完全利用兰迪准备好的钢琴技巧来构建一个扩展的钢琴独奏。我们总是说要录制一个包含这些声音的样本库等等,今年,我们终于搞定了。兰迪以其敏感度和音色而闻名,是有史以来最伟大的电影音乐家之一。虽然他现在主要作曲,但我们能够让他到录音室领导这个项目。
Prepared Piano is a collection of 3 pianos recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage and Hollywood Scoring Studios Stage in Los Angeles, California. It features various extended techniques used by Los Angeles studio musician, Randy Kerber. Several years ago at a recording session at The Bridge, we were recording Nami’s Theme, a spacious piano duet between Randy Kerber (piano, Randy’s Celeste), and Amy Tatum (flute). During one of the breaks, Randy started playing with some museum putty inside the piano, giving the instrument a delicate, masked and suggestively underwater tone. It was such a clever and unusual sound that we decided to build an extended piano solo completely out of Randy’s prepared piano techniques in the middle of the duet. We always spoke of recording a sample library of those sounds and more, and this year, we finally got around to it. Renowned for his sensitivity and tone, Randy is one of the greatest film musicians of all time. Though he mostly composes music now, we were able to get him down to the studio to lead this project.