MegaMacho Drums 的更新版本——现在需要完整版本的 Kontakt 5.6 或更高版本才能加载和使用。 3,000 多个样本 – 64 个鼓组 – 来自 AIRWAVE、Echo Sound Works、OMG 的新样本!鼓库和 John “Skippy” Lehmkuhl 的大量新声音。收听音频演示,观看补丁演练视频(和其他支持视频),在将这个惊人的库添加到您的武器库后,您将会对您可以做的事情印象深刻!
Updated version of MegaMacho Drums – this now requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 5.6 or later to load and use. 3,000+ Samples – 64 Drum Kits – new samples from AIRWAVE, Echo Sound Works, the OMG! Drum Library and tons of new sounds by John “Skippy” Lehmkuhl. Listen to the audio demos, watch the patch walkthru video (and other support videos) and you will be impressed with what YOU can do after adding this amazing library to your arsenal!