竖琴音源 Zupfgretel Cinematic Autoharp KONTAKT

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从我们的合唱系列中精心挑选的必需品,包括单独的 SATB 部分,以及完整的合奏和儿童合唱团,在动态范围和现代采 […]



从我们的合唱系列中精心挑选的必需品,包括单独的 SATB 部分,以及完整的合奏和儿童合唱团,在动态范围和现代采样技术方面毫不妥协。使用免费的 Kontakt 播放器带给您。 Choir Essentials 结合了我们广受好评的下一代合唱系列中精选的最常用技术。涵盖所有媒体类型的合唱配乐所需的 95%,在动态范围(从柔和细腻到激进)和部分(个人 SATB、完整合奏和儿童合唱部分)方面没有任何妥协。该系列是新作曲家和制作人以及老手的完美切入点,他们想要扩展他们的配乐调色板或需要一个易于使用的合唱配乐工具。具有三个麦克风位置和在环境音乐厅录制的我们最喜欢的合唱样本。适用于所有情况的“准备就绪”工具。
Carefully selected essentials from our choral collections featuring individual SATB sections, as well as full ensembles and a children choir with no compromises in dynamic range and modern sampling techniques. Brought to you using the free Kontakt Player. Choir Essentials combines a handpicked selection of the most commonly used techniques found in our critically acclaimed Next Generation Choir Series. Covering 95% of what you will ever need in choral scoring for all media types without any compromises in dynamic range (from soft and delicate to aggressive) and sections (individual SATB, Full Ensembles and Children Choir Section). This collection is the perfect entry point for new composers and producers starting out as well as veterans, who want to extend their scoring palette or are in need of an easy to use choral scoring tool. Featuring three mic positions and our favourite choral samples recorded in an ambient concert hall. A “ready to go” tool for all situations.
