颤音琴空灵音源 Vibraphone vibes kontakt

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Pulsor I 现在可以在 Kontakt(完整)示例库中使用。来自 U-he Zebra2 的 268 个 […]



Pulsor I 现在可以在 Kontakt(完整)示例库中使用。来自 U-he Zebra2 的 268 个电影和视频游戏评分补丁已被渲染到具有自定义 GUI 的可播放 Kontakt 库循环中。这个样本库在基于词干的、对作曲家友好的 Magesy 布局中提供了现代边缘声音,提供了堆叠不同音调循环的灵活性。作曲家可以根据需要轻松添加尽可能少或尽可能多的元素,并将 Pulsor I 与其他乐器结合使用。
Pulsor I is now available in a Kontakt (Full) Sample library. 268 patches of Cinematic and Video Game Scoring from U-he Zebra2 have been rendered into a playable Kontakt library loops with a custom GUI. This sample library provides modern edge sounds in a composer-friendly Magesy layout based on stems which provides the flexibility of stacking different tonal loops. The composer can easily add as few or as many elements as needed and combine Pulsor I with other instruments.
