马林巴木琴颤音琴音源 Scoring Mallets KONTAKT

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Vintage Strings 是用于 Kontakt 5 的虚拟乐器,旨在模拟 1960 年代和 1970 […]



Vintage Strings 是用于 Kontakt 5 的虚拟乐器,旨在模拟 1960 年代和 1970 年代 R&B、灵魂和放克唱片的经典小提琴弦乐部分声音。无论您是经验丰富的编曲者还是临时制作人,Vintage Strings 旨在让您快速轻松地为您的作品创建出色的弦乐音轨。与它的姊妹产品 Vintage Horns 一样,Vintage Strings 的设计初衷并不是一个闪亮的、完美的声音虚拟乐器。相反,我们试图捕捉 60 年代和 70 年代弦乐部分的发声方式;包括明显不是古典的演奏风格和为这些部分增添个性并使它们听起来如此出色的小瑕疵。对于 Vintage Strings,我们使用老式 Neuman U-87 麦克风和 Royer 带状麦克风录制了一个 6 件小提琴部分,并穿过了一个听起来很棒的 SSL 板。为了捕捉真正的复古弦乐声音,我们使用近距离麦克风、房间麦克风和基于旧汽车城和费城灵魂录音会话的实际会话音符的弦乐部分定位。我们没有在宏伟的音乐厅或其他大型共振录音空间中录制小提琴,而是在一个时髦的老式录音室中录制我们的演奏者,该录音室有一个更小、更少混响的房间,其特点类似于用于录制经典灵魂乐和 R&B 的房间记录。
Vintage Strings is a virtual instrument for Kontakt 5 designed to emulate the classic violin string section sounds of R&B, Soul, and Funk records from the 1960’s and 1970’s. Whether you’re an experienced arranger or casual producer, Vintage Strings was designed to make it quick and easy for you to create great sounding string tracks for your productions. Like its sister product, Vintage Horns, Vintage Strings was not designed to be a shiny, perfect sounding virtual instrument. Instead, we tried to capture the way string sections sounded back in the ’60s and ’70s; including the decidedly not classical playing style and minor imperfections that added character to those sections and made them sound so good. For Vintage Strings we recorded a 6 piece violin section using vintage Neuman U-87 mics and Royer ribbon mics run through a great sounding SSL board. To capture a true vintage string sound, we used close mics, room mics, and string section positioning based on actual session notes from old Motown and Philly Soul recording sessions. Rather than record the violins in a magnificent concert hall or some other large and resonant recording space, we recorded our players in a funky old studio with a smaller, less-reverberant room that had characteristics similar to the rooms used to record classic Soul and R&B records.
