不明空间氛围感音源 Unidentified Loop Archives Vol.1 KONTAKT

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我们获得了一个独特的机会来保存一段重要的音乐历史。消息告诉我们,位于曼哈顿中城的历史悠久的克林顿录音室将永远关 […]



我们获得了一个独特的机会来保存一段重要的音乐历史。消息告诉我们,位于曼哈顿中城的历史悠久的克林顿录音室将永远关门,注定要改造成现代公寓大楼。其中包含的众多宝藏之一是这个特别的施坦威 D 型音乐会三角钢琴,它曾经住在哥伦比亚唱片公司第 30 街工作室。 CBS 30th Street Studio,“The Church”可能是 50 和 60 年代最具影响力的录音棚,制作了数十张各种流派的传奇专辑。
We were provided a unique opportunity to preserve an important piece of musical history in its final days. Word had come to us that the historic Clinton Recording Studios in midtown Manhattan was forever closing its doors, destined to be transformed into a modern condominium complex. One of the many treasures contained therein was this particular Steinway Model D Concert Grand which used to live in the Columbia Records 30th Street Studios. The CBS 30th Street Studio, “The Church” was perhaps the most influential recording studio of the 50’s and 60’s producing dozens of legendary albums in various genres.
