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EpiK DrumS – A Ken Scott Collection 的 70 年代 EJ Kit 是一款单 […]



EpiK DrumS – A Ken Scott Collection 的 70 年代 EJ Kit 是一款单头复古音乐会嗵鼓套件,以经典 Elton John 唱片的风格录制,其中许多是 Ken Scott 录制和制作的。一套声音类似于 70 年代与 Elton 一起演奏的 Nigel Olsen 的套件,是使用 Ken 在原始专辑中使用的相同麦克风和录音技术录制的。由于单头嗵鼓音色,带有有力的大尺寸鼓组音色的美丽复古音色。这是任何寻找经典正宗复古鼓声的人的必备之选。
From EpiK DrumS – A Ken Scott Collection the 70s EJ Kit is a single head vintage concert tom kit recorded in the style of classic Elton John records, many of which Ken Scott recorded and produced. A kit similar in sound to the one Nigel Olsen played with Elton in the 70s was recorded with the same microphones and recording techniques Ken used on the original albums. A beautiful retro sound with a punchy large sized kit with unique tone due to the single head tom sound. This is a must-have for anyone looking for classic authentic vintage drum sounds.
