气氛环境音源 Granular Moon KONTAKT

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Beat Master 是一款出色的基于循环/切片的乐器,由 14 个补丁和 4000 个鼓循环和律动组成,涵 […]



Beat Master 是一款出色的基于循环/切片的乐器,由 14 个补丁和 4000 个鼓循环和律动组成,涵盖了广泛的音乐风格和流派。该界面包含许多令人惊叹的功能和能力,可以为用户提供他们在创建自己的个人鼓循环和凹槽时所需的一切。流派包括 Abstract Beats、Analog Drums、Dance Beats、Drum ‘n’ Bass、Electro House、Electronic Percussion、Funk、Techno 和 Urban Beats 以及前卫和实验循环和许多其他风格。 Beat Master 还带有一个完整的 FX 机架,具有 100 多个卷积混响、延迟、合唱、移相器、镶边、失真、过载和放大器模拟器,可让您完全改变您正在处理的鼓循环的声音。
Beat Master is a fantastic loop/slice-based instrument consisting of fourteen patches and 4000 drumloops and grooves covering a huge range of music styles and genres. The interface contains a number of amazing functions and capabilities that will give users all that they need when it comes to creating their own individual drumloops and grooves. Genres include Abstract Beats, Analog Drums, Dance Beats, Drum ‘n’ Bass, Electro House, Electronic Percussion, Funk, Techno and Urban Beats as well as Avant Garde and experimental loops and many other styles. Beat Master also comes with a complete FX rack with over 100 convolution reverbs, delay, chorus, phaser, flanger, distortion, overdrive and amp simulators that allow you to completely change sound of the drumloop you are working on.
