海滩潮汐冲浪氛围音源 Glass Beach KONTAKT

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您是否在寻找逼真而酷炫的电贝司音色?好吧,可能你来对地方了。凭借出色的 Ibanez Bass 和大量的工作, […]



您是否在寻找逼真而酷炫的电贝司音色?好吧,可能你来对地方了。凭借出色的 Ibanez Bass 和大量的工作,我们非常高兴能够发布我们新的采样贝司。 XBass 与其他产品不同:快速、轻巧、功能强大、简单且可通过用户界面自定义(gosths、上拉/下拉、噪声和 FX、参数 EQ、2 种失真、放大器和箱体模拟器等)。你制作什么样的音乐并不重要。流行、时髦、爵士、摇滚:XBass 永远不会让您失望!
Were you searching for a realistic and a cool electrict bass sound? Well, probably you are in the right place. From a great Ibanez Bass and lot of hours of work, we are really excited to release our new sampled bass. XBass is not like the others: is fast, light, powerful, simple and customizable with the user interface (gosths, pull up/down, noises & FXs, parametric EQ, 2 types of distorsion, amp & cabinet simulator, etc.). It doesn’t matter what kind of music are you producing. Pop, Funky, Jazz, Rock: XBass will never let you down!
