<b>扭曲的有机物。重新构想的噪音声音设计具有不自然的感觉。</b> 不要为为您的视频项目寻找完美的配乐而烦恼,Trailer Box 随时为您提供帮助!使用 Trailer Box 在几分钟内创建现代电影音效设计。尽管 Trailer Box 主要是为与 Kontakt 一起使用而设计的,但这些样本可以在没有 DAW 内的引擎的情况下使用。
Twisted organics. Reimagined noise sound design with unnatural feeling. Don’t stress about finding the perfect soundtrack for your video project, Trailer Box is here to help! Create a modern cinematic sound design in minutes with Trailer Box. Although Trailer Box is primarily designed for use with Kontakt, the samples can be used without the engine inside your DAW.