优雅钢琴音源 White Grand MkII KONTAKT

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曾几何时,恩尼斯蒙大拿州附近的地区拥有成熟的铜矿和银矿。这些地区已经干涸,留下了大量的旧采矿工具和设备。由于长 […]



曾几何时,恩尼斯蒙大拿州附近的地区拥有成熟的铜矿和银矿。这些地区已经干涸,留下了大量的旧采矿工具和设备。由于长期被遗弃且无法使用,我们决定利用这些采矿历史中的一小部分,将它们变成一种充满动感、充满张力或可怕的金属打击乐 Kontakt 乐器。 GUI 非常通用,可以极大地改变该乐器的声音和音色! Derelict Kit 的尺寸和价格可能很小,但声音却很大。由于音高旋钮,它可以听起来非常巨大或非常小。 GUI 上还提供 EQ(带有低、中、高控制旋钮)、LPF(也映射到调制轮)、用于添加失真的粗粒旋钮、用于控制混响量的混响旋钮,最后是起音旋钮来控制样本的起音。
Once upon a time, the area near Ennis Montana was ripe with copper and silver mining sites. These areas have since dried up leaving behind tons of old mining tools and equipment. Long derelict and out of commission, we decided to bang on a handful of these pieces of mining history turning them into an action packed, tension filled, or horrific metallic percussion Kontakt instrument. The GUI is extremely versatile and can drastically alter the sound and timbre of this instrument! The Derelict Kit may be small in size and price, but it is HUGE in sound. Thanks to the pitch knob, it can sound downright huge or extremely small in size. Also available on the GUI are EQ (with low, mid, and hi control knobs), a LPF (also mapped to the modwheel), a grit knob to add distortion, a reverb knob to control the amount of reverb, and lastly an attack knob to control the attack of the samples.
