将古老的文化融入您的音乐中……阿兹特克人之声是阿兹特克乐器、循环和人声的完整汇编。这些样本是在墨西哥从考古文物中记录下来的。从大的 Huuehuetl 鼓到最小的陶笛,所有的声音都是独一无二的。水鼓和木头打击乐、泥笛和海贝号令人难以置信的声音都让我们想起了 400 年前消失的遥远文化。 《阿兹特克人之声》还包括阿兹特克血统诗人桑托斯·德拉克鲁兹 (Santos de la Cruz) 朗诵的纳瓦特尔诗歌。有史以来唯一真实的土着阿兹特克人声音合集!非常独特,令人难忘和美丽!在考古挖掘中发现的仪器经过精心采样并制成虚拟仪器。
Bring ancient culture to your music… Voices of the Aztecs is a full compilation of Aztec instruments, loops and vocals. These samples were recorded in Mexico from archeological artifacts. From the big Huehuetl drum to the smallest of Ocarinas, all of the sounds are unique. Water drums and wooded percussion, clay flutes and the incredible sound of the sea shell horn all remind us of a distant culture that disappeared 400 years ago. Voices of the Aztecs also includes Nahuatl poems recited by Santos de la Cruz, a poet of Aztec descent. The only authentic collection of indigenous Aztecs sounds ever published! Very unique, haunting and beautiful! Instruments found in an archeological dig were meticulously sampled and made into virtual instruments.