电影失谐钢琴音乐 Destroyed Six v1.0.1 KONTAKT

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TVBO使用的三角钢琴是雅马哈C7。最受欢迎的工作室三角钢琴之一。以其细腻、丰富、饱满的声音而闻名。录音是在瑞 […]



TVBO使用的三角钢琴是雅马哈C7。最受欢迎的工作室三角钢琴之一。以其细腻、丰富、饱满的声音而闻名。录音是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的 OAL 工作室进行的,我们使用了两种类型的麦克风,Neumann SM2、立体声麦克风和一对 Neumann U89。 SM2 型号是一个立体声麦克风,本质上是一对 KM56。它于 1956 年推出,在当时(并且多年来)是唯一可用的立体声麦克风。它被用于大量的录音场合,被许多人称为“钢琴救星”。 SM2 安装在琴弦上方,合上音锤,以捕捉细腻、明亮的声音,在需要细节的混音中表现良好
The Grand Piano used for the TVBO is a Yamaha C7. One of the most popular studio grands. Well known for its detailed, rich, full sound. The recordings took place at OAL studios in Stockholm, Sweden and we used two types of microphones, Neumann SM2, a stereo microphone and a pair of Neumann U89. The SM2 model is a stereo microphone that’s essentially a pair of KM56. It was introduced in 1956 and was at the time, (and for quite many years), the only stereo microphones available. Its been used in a plethora of recording situation, and has been dubbed ”the piano saviour” by many. The SM2 was set up above the strings, close the hammers, to capture a detailed, bright sound that would work well in a mix where you need detailed
