PERPETUO 现场长笛乐句。继我们极受欢迎的 Animato、Spiritoso 和 Luminoso 标题之后,Perpetuo 的加入形成了一个四重奏标题,致力于为采样乐器引入更多的真实感。 Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases 由利物浦皇家爱乐乐团的世界级长笛和短笛演奏家演奏,并在利物浦著名的 Parr Street 录音室录制,是一个 8Gb 的集合,包含数千个现场录制的循环乐句,使用 Kontakt 的无损压缩压缩到 4.6Gb技术。尽管只录制了一位演奏者,但该乐器巧妙地实时分层多达 3 种不同的演奏,以获得长笛三重奏的有效声音,或者您可以将其调低为二重奏或长笛独奏的声音。
PERPETUO Live Flute Phrases. Following on from our extremely popular Animato, Spiritoso and Luminoso titles, the addition of Perpetuo forms a quartet of titles dedicated to introducing more realism to sampled instruments. Performed by a world-class flute and piccolo player from the Liverpool Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and recorded in Liverpool’s famous Parr Street studios, Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases is an 8Gb collection of thousands of live recorded looped phrases compressed down to 4.6Gb using Kontakt’s lossless compression technology. Despite recording only one player, the instrument cleverly layers up to 3 different performances in real time for the effective sound of a flute trio, or you can dial it down to the sound of a duo or solo flute.