<b>Aztec Death Whistle</b> 是一种深度采样的民间管乐器,它捕捉了古代阿兹特克死亡哨的黑暗灵魂,这是一种仪式粘土共鸣器,用于在阿兹特克鼎盛时期的人类献祭仪式和战争(历史上也被称为作为中美洲的墨西哥帝国,在公元 14 和 15 世纪期间,现在已成为现代墨西哥。这种哨子——从技术上讲,与鸟类和动物的哨子属于同一家族的哨子——是由窑烧粘土制成的。它有两个腔室,它们产生空气腔,通过吹入头骨顶部产生共振。它发出刺耳、刺耳的无调性声音,非常像垂死的呼吸,但带有刺耳的恶魔本质,肯定会在几乎本能的层面上唤起恐惧。那是死亡化身的声音。
Aztec Death Whistle is a deeply sampled folk wind instrument that captures the dark soul of the ancient Aztec death whistle, a ceremonial clay resonator used during human sacrifice rituals and warfare at the height of the Aztec (historically also known as the Mexica) empire in Central America, during the 14 and 15th centuries AD in what has now become modern day Mexico. This whistle — technically grouped into the same family of whistles as bird and animal call whistles — is made of kiln-fired clay. It has two chambers which create air cavities that are resonated by blowing into the top of the skull. It produces a harsh, raspy atonal vocal sound very much like a dying breath, but with a shrill demonic essence that is certain to evoke dread on an almost instinctive level. It is the sound of death incarnate.