在这里,我们展示了一个集中的、整洁的、精心录制的、准备好的配音的、音调的幸福的集合。一个相当大的 10GB(压缩 NI NCW)集合,专门用于构建音调凹槽元素。多年来,我们一直受制于由各种小型打击元素组成的典型电影节奏;棍棒、圆木、振动筛、鼓槌、手鼓、指钹和其他无音调的玩具——但明显缺乏有音调的玩具。
Here we present a focused, tidy collection of intimately-recorded, overdub ready, pitched happiness. A sizable 10GB (at compressed NI NCW) collection of pitched bells, dulcimers and keyboards specifically designed to construct tonal groove elements. For years we’ve been subjected to typical cinematic grooves composed of various small percussive elements; sticks, logs, shakers, claves, tambourines, finger cymbals, and other unpitched toys – yet there was an obvious lack of pitched counterparts.