FK14鼓机音源 FK14 Hammond AutoVari 64 V.4.2 KONTAKT

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我们经济实惠且轻便的乐器系列的最新成员,开箱即用,可通过您对我们产品所期望的熟悉易用的 GUI 设计轻松进行调 […]



我们经济实惠且轻便的乐器系列的最新成员,开箱即用,可通过您对我们产品所期望的熟悉易用的 GUI 设计轻松进行调整。在完整版的 Kontakt 5 中运行。玩具钢琴的声音是由锤子敲击金属杆(尖齿)产生的,产生独特的钟形音色。该乐器在干燥的录音室中以立体声近距离麦克风,让您可以根据需要灵活地添加或多或少的混响。由于年代久远,原始乐器有一些自然的调音偏差。虽然这增加了一定的魅力和真实性,但我们知道每个人的口味都不一样,所以在对乐器进行采样后,我们煞费苦心地逐个音符优化调音。为了恢复其中的一些自然调音偏差,我们添加了“断调”表盘,它允许您选择乐器的音准。将其设置为 0 以获得现代/原始的声音以播放欢快的儿童音乐,或者将其设置为 100 以获得令人毛骨悚然的万圣节乐谱。为了进一步增强乐器的真实性和真实性,我们捕捉了释放琴键的机械声音。这些可以使用“Key Clicks”控件拨入。
The latest addition to our range of affordable and lightweight instruments, ready to play straight out of the box and easily tweakable with the familiar easy-to-use GUI design you’ve come to expect from our products. Runs in the full version of Kontakt 5. The sound of the Toy Piano is produced by hammers striking metal rods (tines), resulting in a unique bell-like tone. The instrument was close mic’d in stereo, in a dry studio, giving you the flexibility to add as much or little reverb as you like. The original instrument has some natural tuning deviations due to its age. Although this adds a certain charm and authenticity, we know everyone’s tastes are different, so after sampling the instrument we painstakingly optimised the tuning note-by-note. To restore some of these natural tuning deviations, we added the ‘broken tuning’ dial, which allows you to choose how in-tune the instrument sounds. Set it to 0 for a modern/pristine sound for upbeat children’s music, or all the way up to 100 for your creepy Halloween scores. To further enhance the authenticity and realism of the instrument, we captured the mechanical sounds of the keys being released. These can be dialled in using the ‘Key Clicks’ control.
