基础打击乐音源 Percussion Essentials X3M

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Bowed Guitar 是一个非常独特的库,顾名思义,它是通过用大提琴弓演奏原声吉他而创建的。 sul po […]



Bowed Guitar 是一个非常独特的库,顾名思义,它是通过用大提琴弓演奏原声吉他而创建的。 sul pont patch 包括在演奏吉他时,大提琴弓非常靠近琴枕,产生与弓弦乐器中使用的 sul pontello 技术类似的效果。这会产生更刺耳和通透的声音,产生不同的和声部分,随着和声不断变化,也给人一种更自然的感觉。长补丁呈现长弓原声吉他音符,具有 3 种不同的速度。颤音发音接近螺母,产生与 sul pont 补丁相似的音调。颤音发音的速度并不总是恒定的,细微的变化使补丁更具个性和独特性。打击垫音色与其他音色最不同,因为样本已经过处理以获得沉重的打击垫声音。为了制作打击垫,来自 sul pont 贴片的样本被极度拉伸,并以不同的八度音阶和谐波分层。
The Bowed Guitar is an extremely unique library, and, as the name suggests, it was created from playing an acoustic guitar with a cello bow. The sul pont patch consists of the guitar being played with the cello bow really close to the nut, producing a similar effect as the sul ponticello technique used in bowed string instruments. This results in a more harsh and airy sound, producing different harmonic partials, giving also a more organic feel as the harmonics are constantly changing. The long patch presents long bowed acoustic guitar notes, with 3 different velocities. The tremolo articulation played close to the nut, producing a similar tone to the sul pont patch. The speed of the tremolo articulation is not always constant, and the subtle variations give the patch more character and singularity. The pad patch is the most different from the others, as the sample is already processed to achieve a heavy pad sound. To create the pad, a sample from the sul pont patch was extremely stretched and layered with different octaves and harmonics.
