民族打击乐坦克鼓 Tank drum

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我们的 Montclarion Hall 三角钢琴是经典的施坦威 1926 客厅三角钢琴。它是在三个麦克风位置 […]



我们的 Montclarion Hall 三角钢琴是经典的施坦威 1926 客厅三角钢琴。它是在三个麦克风位置(近、中和远)捕获的,以允许自定义和环绕声混音。它具有清脆、坚实的音色,非常适合古典作曲,以及灵魂乐、爵士乐、摇滚和流行音乐。它还包含一个广泛的弦乐效果部分,包括滑音、扫弦、猛击、弹拨等。 Montclarion Hall 钢琴是在一个陡峭的 A 型框架长厅中录制的,真正引起了我们的共鸣。这是我们录制 Mars、Venus 和 Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble 的同一个房间。它拥有丰富、丰富、清晰但定义明确且控制良好的自然声音。在我们耳中,这个神奇房间的某些东西与这架钢琴完美结合,营造出恰到好处的整体平衡,让人感觉既鼓舞人心又有些独特。这里真正的乐器是钢琴和大厅,作为一个单一的存在。
Our Montclarion Hall Grand Piano is a classic Steinway 1926 parlor grand. It was captured in three microphone positions (close, mid and far), to allow custom and surround mixing. It has a crisp, solid tone ideal for classical composing, as well as soul, jazz, rock and pop. It also contains a broad string effects section including glisses, sweeps, slams, plucks and more. The Montclarion Hall Piano was recorded in a steep A-framed long hall that truly resonates with us. It was the same room that we recorded Mars, Venus and the Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble in. It has a lush, rich, clear and yet well-defined and well-controlled natural sound. In our ears, something about this magical room combined perfectly with this piano, creating the right holistic balance that felt both instantly inspiring and somehow unique. The true instrument here is the piano and the hall, as one singular being.
