电子鼓 Mu Drums KONTAKT

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MUTED GUITARS 遵循与 The Muted Seiler 相同的电声原理,包括三款不同的吉他、强大 […]



MUTED GUITARS 遵循与 The Muted Seiler 相同的电声原理,包括三款不同的吉他、强大的声音设计工具和独特的琶音器。 “静音吉他”是一个基于 Kontakt 的库,录制在 Sofia Session Studio 的一个小录音室中。它有一个相加的麦克风位置(捕捉三把不同吉他的有机静音/弹拨声音),后来经过处理增加了两个“麦克风”位置(Low FX 和 High FX),从而实现了多种声音塑造的可能性。其独特的音色和功能使“静音吉他”非常适合各种音乐制作。无论您是否将其视为基于有机录音的合成器、电声乐器或只是一些用于配乐的有机静音吉他。
MUTED GUITARS follows the same electroacoustic principles of The Muted Seiler comprising three different guitars, powerful sound design tools and a unique Arpeggiator. “Muted Guitars” is a Kontakt based library which was recorded in one of the small recording rooms within the Sofia Session Studio. It has one summed microphone position (capturing the Organic muted/plucked sound of three different guitars), which was later processed to add two more “microphone” positions (Low FX and High FX) enabling a number of sound-shaping possibilities. Its unique timbre and features make “Muted Guitars” a perfect fit for all kinds of music productions. Regardless if you see it as synthesizer based on organic recordings, an electroaccoustic instrument or just some organic Muted Guitars for scoring.
