虽然不是最大、最糟糕、最潮湿的黄铜图书馆,但 Adventure Brass 完成了我们最初打算做的事情;创造一种首先是有趣的乐器。其次,与 Soaring Strings 非常相似,我们试图真正限制实现可信黄铜线所需的控制。只是你的钥匙和调制轮。我们还包括一个可调节的“人性化”功能,它会自动错开单个音符的开始和结束,以帮助增强量化的段落。第三,我们录制了中等大小的部分,这些部分可以很好地处理同音和和声段落,并且具有令人信服的透明度。除了大号——我想我们都同意其中一个就足够了。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,为了获得那些无形的小东西——为什么不在洛杉矶录制呢?一个有电影和电视表演和录音经验的小镇。
While not the biggest, baddest, wettest brass library out there, Adventure Brass accomplishes what we initially set out to do; to create an instrument that is first and foremost, fun to play. Second, and very much like Soaring Strings, we sought to really limit the controls needed to achieve a believable brass line. Just your keys and the modwheel. We’ve also included an adjustable “Humanization” feature, which automatically staggers the starts and ends of individual notes to help enhance a quantized passage. Third, we recorded medium-sized sections that would treat well to both unison and harmonic passages with believable transparency. Except the Tuba — I think we can all agree one of those is enough. Last but not least, to get that intangible little somethin’ — why not record in Los Angeles; a town with some experience performing and recording for film and television.