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Steelpan Samples 是在加勒比双岛共和国特立尼达和多巴哥共和国创建的,这里是 Steelpan […]



Steelpan Samples 是在加勒比双岛共和国特立尼达和多巴哥共和国创建的,这里是 Steelpan 的诞生地。这种乐器是西印度创造力的典型象征,并已成为全球打击乐表达的媒介。我们通过为您带来首个采样库来捕捉传统 Steelpan 的整个范围及其性能标准,从而进一步发挥 Steelpan 声音的力量。我们的专业团队精心制作了这些样本,以反映特立尼达和多巴哥各地泛码的声音。触手可及的潜力就是为整个 Steel 管弦乐队作曲、编曲和制作真实的声音。
Steelpan Samples was created in the Caribbean twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the birthplace of the Steelpan. This instrument is a quintessential symbol of West Indian creativity, and has become a medium for percussive expression globally. We take the power of the Steelpan sound a step further by bringing you the first ever sample library to capture the entire range of the conventional Steelpan and its performance criteria. Our team of professionals has carefully crafted these samples to mirror the sounds of pan yards across Trinidad and Tobago. At your fingertips is the potential to compose, arrange and produce the authentic sound of an entire Steel orchestra.
