19实际小号音源 Blue Street Brass KONTAKT

19642 浏览

Rinascimento 是 Kontakt 5 的库,其中包括来自中世纪和文艺复兴时期的 36 种乐器。 R […]



Rinascimento 是 Kontakt 5 的库,其中包括来自中世纪和文艺复兴时期的 36 种乐器。 Rinascimento 拥有 3 种弓弦乐器、2 种铜管乐器、8 种簧片乐器、5 种不同尺寸的竖笛、2 种其他长笛、7 种琵琶乐器(带有自动弹奏引擎)、5 种打击乐器、大键琴、维琴、正弦乐器器官和具有 10 个寄存器的完整器官。两年前。那是九月,我们想讲另一个故事。或者我们最好说一个童话,一个传说?让我们从远处看。 Hic sunt leones——字面意思是“这里有狮子”——罗马人指的是神秘而未知的非洲大陆。这句古老的谚语在帝国所有未开发的地区都很普遍。这正是我们正在寻找的:狮子座。探索未知领域以寻找新的野兽来驯服的想法让我们感到兴奋,而 Gallichon、Crumhorn 或 Theorbo 只是我们渴望面对的一些可怕的掠食者。我们听说过 La Rossignol,一群专门从事文艺复兴音乐的意大利演奏家。经过简短的研究和一些电话,我们设法会见了多梅尼科,他是该乐团的首席组织者,也是它的一位乐手。在我们最初的想法中,文艺复兴音乐的演奏者仍然生活在窗帘之间,在烛光下对哲学主题进行自夸。因此,我们很惊讶——但也有点失望——发现甚至 Domenico 也在寻找一个好的样本库来制作他的……文艺复兴时期的模型!此外,我们发现他的“追逐”是非常合理的,因为只有少数文艺复兴时期的曲目被采样,而模型可能被证明是一种有价值的工具,可以为处女乐谱以及未受破坏的乐谱赋予新的生命。维金纳。
Rinascimento is a library for Kontakt 5 which includes 36 instruments from the Medieval and the Renaissance Eras. Rinascimento features 3 bowed string instruments, 2 brass instruments, 8 reed instruments, 5 recorders of different sizes, 2 other kind of flutes, 7 kind of lute instruments (with a auto-strumming engine), 5 percussion, harpsichord, virginal, a positive organ and a complete organ with 10 registers. Two years ago. It was September and we wanted to tell another story. Or we’d better say a fairy tale, a legend? Let’s take it from afar. Hic sunt leones – literally “here are the lions” – the Romans were saying in reference to the mysterious and unknown African continent. This old saying became common for all the unexplored parts of the empire. That was exactly what we were looking for: leones. We felt excited by the idea of exploring an uncharted territory in search of new wild beasts to tame and Gallichon, Crumhorn or Theorbo were just some of the fearsome predators we were eager to face. We had heard about La Rossignol, a group of italian players specialized in Renaissance Music. After a brief research and some phone calls we managed to meet Domenico, the chief organizer of the ensemble and one of its lutists. In our preliminary mindset, Renaissance Music players were still living with ruff between the drapes, pontificating on philosophical subjects at the candlelight. Therefore, we were quite surprised – but somewhat disappointed – to find out that even Domenico was looking for a good Sample Library to make his… Renaissance mock-ups! Further, we found that his “chase” was more than reasonable, since just few of the vast Renaissance repertoire has been sampled and mock-ups may prove to be a valuable tool to give new life to virgin scores as well as for unspoiled scores of Virginal.
