90年代复古小号 90s Retro Trumpets KONTAKT

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OPACITY 是一个 Kontakt Player 虚拟乐器,包含电影吉他和专业的六弦演奏,安装在一个强大的 […]



OPACITY 是一个 Kontakt Player 虚拟乐器,包含电影吉他和专业的六弦演奏,安装在一个强大的环境中,允许您混合、匹配和调整大量的和弦、乐句、序列和膨胀,以创建定制的、有影响力的安排快捷方便。该库提供可深度操作的吉他声音,这些声音无穷无尽且富有表现力,适用于电影、电视、声音设计、纪录片、游戏、电影预告片、广告以及当代电影和环境音乐。从优美而丰富的氛围,到打击乐节奏、优美的和声、主音、乐句、序列循环、合奏和闪烁的延伸氛围。 OPACITY 包括 17 个完整的会话,每个会话包含四组声音:和弦、乐句、序列和旋律纹理。每个组都有 12 个独特的录音,总计 800 多种不同的声音,您可以重新排列成无数种配置。针对作曲和工作室表演,Opacity 作为专业作曲模块提供了最大的灵活性,以尽可能轻松地创建连贯的音乐创意。
OPACITY is a Kontakt Player virtual Instrument of Cinematic Guitar and professional six string performances housed in a robust environment that allows you to mix, match, and adjust a vast selection of chords, phrases, sequences, and swells in order to create customized, impactful arrangements quick and easy. The library provides deeply manipulable guitar sounds that are endlessly diverse and expressive and will work across Film, TV, Sound Design, Documentaries, Games, Film Trailers, Commercials and Contemporary Cinematic and Ambient music. From nice & rich atmospheres, to percussive rhythms, beautiful harmonics, lead licks, phrases, sequence loops, ensembles, and shimmering stretched out atmospheres. OPACITY includes 17 complete sessions which each contain four groups of sounds: Chords, phrases, sequences, and Melodic Textures. Each group has 12 unique recordings totaling more than 800 different sounds that you can rearrange into an endless number of configurations. Aimed towards composition and in-studio performance, Opacity provides maximum flexibility as a professional composition module to create coherent musical ideas as easy as possible.
