中音萨克斯音源 Alto Sax KONTAKT

20161 浏览

Sho 是 Virtuoso Japanese 系列的第四个版本,现在可以作为 Kontakt 格式的软件乐器 […]



Sho 是 Virtuoso Japanese 系列的第四个版本,现在可以作为 Kontakt 格式的软件乐器使用。 sho 是自由簧片乐器,是雅乐宫廷管弦乐中使用的三种主要木管乐器之一。它由17根细长的竹管组成,因其形状有时被称为像一只休息的凤凰。在古代,sho 的流畅音调特征与从天而降的光联系在一起。
Sho, the fourth release in the Virtuoso Japanese Series, is now available as a software instrument in Kontakt format. The sho is free reed musical instrument and one of the three primary woodwind instruments used in gagaku court orchestra music. Consisting of 17 slender bamboo pipes, it is sometimes said to resemble a resting phoenix because of its shape. In antiquity, the sho’s fluid tonal character was associated with light shining down from the heavens.
