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Tonal Ticky Tackies 是一组半音打击乐器,编程为使用声音纹理、节奏模式、声像、滤波器和混响脉 […]



Tonal Ticky Tackies 是一组半音打击乐器,编程为使用声音纹理、节奏模式、声像、滤波器和混响脉冲响应的独特组合来演奏。色调 Ticky Tackies。它是一组半音打击乐器,编程为使用声音纹理、节奏模式、声像、滤波器和混响脉冲响应的独特组合来演奏。 Tonal Ticky Tackies 有 20 个独特的声源,每个都有 6 个独特的混音,提供各种各样的声音。它包括 30 种节奏模式和超过 180 种混响脉冲响应。包括 50 个预设,它们利用这些工具为您提供详细的控制,以创建有趣的节奏、打击垫和 FX。还包括两个内置压缩器和具有基本 L-C-R 滑块的广泛平移和混合控制以及高级 3-D 平移。
Tonal Ticky Tackies is a collection of semi-tonal percussion instruments programmed to play using a unique combination of sonic textures, rhythmic patterns, panning, filters, and reverb impulse responses. Tonal Ticky Tackies. It is a collection of semi-tonal percussion instruments programmed to play using a unique combination of sonic textures, rhythmic patterns, panning, filters, and reverb impulse responses. Tonal Ticky Tackies has 20 unique sound sources each of which have 6 unique mixes, providing a wide variety of sounds. It includes 30 rhythmic patterns and over 180 reverb impulse responses. Included are 50 presets that take advantage of these tools giving you detailed control to create interesting rhythms, pads, and FX. Also included are two built-in compressors and extensive panning and blending controls with basic L-C-R sliders as well as advanced 3-D panning.
