伦敦欧洲联合乐团第二小提琴音源 Second violins

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我们最初的 Loopscape 采用不规则、不均匀的录音带,并将它们循环到合成器框架中,将 Brian Eno […]



我们最初的 Loopscape 采用不规则、不均匀的录音带,并将它们循环到合成器框架中,将 Brian Eno 风格的“不可通约”音景变成可编程、可调整的音乐机器。虽然我们自己这么说,但它非常酷,几乎不管你对它做了什么,都会喷出奇怪的、不断变化的、复杂的漂移和洗涤。 Sound on Sound 杂志称它“在氧化物中滴落……你几乎可以品尝到哇音、颤动和打印效果”。好吧,现在是时候品尝嘶嘶声、噼啪声和扭曲声了,因为 Loopscape 重生了——只是这一次,我们放弃了线轴,伸手去拿盘子…… Loopscape Vinyl 从一系列全新的经典合成波录音开始:来自我们模块化系统的两??个球状锯齿(一个带有子振荡器),来自 Roland SH7 的平滑三角形,来自 Yamaha CS30 的坚韧脉冲波,以及优美柔和的正弦波。所有这些都以原始质量记录,然后被送到一系列定制的乙烯基配音板上。一旦我们把可爱的新黑胶唱片带回实验室,我们就开始直接从黑胶唱片上采样波。这就是“原始品质”和“高保真度”消失的地方。原始 Loopscape 的全部乐趣在于它不干净、清晰和精确——它摇摇晃晃、吱吱作响、摇摆不定。 Loopscape Vinyl 继承了这一引以为豪的传统。我们的转盘不是参考级的。
Our original Loopscape took irregular, uneven strips of audio tape and looped them in a synthesiser framework, turning Brian Eno-style “incommensurable” soundscapes into a programmable, tweakable musical machine. Though we say it ourselves, it was pretty damn cool, spewing out weird, evolving, complex drifts and washes almost no matter what you did to it. Sound on Sound magazine said it was “dripping in oxide… you can almost taste the wow, flutter and print-through”. Well, now it’s time to taste the hiss, crackle and warp, because Loopscape is reborn – only this time, we’ve ditched the spools and reached for the platters… Loopscape Vinyl starts with a host of entirely new recordings of classic synth waves: two ballsy sawtooths (one with a sub-oscillator) from our modular system, a smooth triangle from the Roland SH7, a gritty pulse wave from a Yamaha CS30, and a nice mellow sine. All of these were recorded in pristine quality, and then sent off to be pressed to a series of custom vinyl dub plates. Once we had our lovely new vinyl LPs back in the lab, we set about sampling the waves straight off the vinyl. And that’s where “pristine quality” and “high fidelity” went right out the window. The whole fun of the original Loopscape was that it wasn’t clean, clear and precise – it was wonky, creaky and wobbly. Loopscape Vinyl carries on that proud tradition. Our turntable wasn’t reference-grade.
