欢迎来到 NoiseAsh Epic 钢琴库!现在您拥有了一架真正的钢琴,就像在电影中一样……Epic Piano 是世界上用途最广泛且令人惊叹的钢琴乐器之一。自然饱满而丰富的声音,这就是座右铭!它有数千个带有模拟设备的预混多通道样本,对于任何制作来说听起来都非常棒。
Wellcome to NoiseAsh Epic Piano Library! Now you have a Real Piano, just like in the movies… Epic Piano is one of the most versatile & amazing Piano Instrument in the world. Naturally full and rich sound, that’s the motto! It has thousands of premixed multi channel samples with analog gear that sounds incredibly great for any productions.