探索铜管音源 Adventure Brass v1.1 KONTAKT

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MELTED VIBES 是您的首选乐器,用于处理失谐的旋律和扭曲的凹槽,可以炒作氛围并吸引聚光灯。它配备了用 […]



MELTED VIBES 是您的首选乐器,用于处理失谐的旋律和扭曲的凹槽,可以炒作氛围并吸引聚光灯。它配备了用传奇前置放大器和标志性合成器录制的打击垫、弹拨和键。声音被一层令人眼花缭乱的变形纹理扭曲,让音轨在弹跳时摇摆不定。通过多种方式添加您自己的个性元素——从混响和合唱效果,到序列调制和定制设计的“融化”转盘,可以从声音中榨取更多的汁液。
MELTED VIBES is your go-to instrument for detuned melodies and warped grooves that hype the vibes and soak up the spotlight. It comes packed with pads, plucks and keys recorded with legendary preamps and iconic synthesisers. The sounds are twisted with a dizzying layer of morphing texture, for tracks that sway as much as they bounce. With a range of ways to add your own touches of character – from reverb and chorus effects, to sequenced modulation and a custom-designed “melt” dial, there’s loads of scope to squeeze even more juice from the sounds.
