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过去,最初的 Fender Precision 贝司在琴桥上带有一个内置阻尼器的板。Leo Fender 于 […]



过去,最初的 Fender Precision 贝司在琴桥上带有一个内置阻尼器的板。Leo Fender 于 1966 年为琴桥静音申请了专利,其想法是模仿低音提琴的消音。但是那些疯狂的摇滚孩子们并没有那么热衷,他们倾向于去掉覆盖物以获得更多的延音。但是,许多 Motown 演奏家,早期的 Paul McCartney 和最著名的 Carol Kaye,所有伟大的 Beach Boys 唱片中的贝司手,都接受了可爱的、低沉的、毛茸茸的低音弦乐。
Back in the day, the original Fender Precision bass came with a plate over the bridge with a dampener built in. Leo Fender patented the bridge mute in 1966 with the idea of mimicking the deadened thud of a double bass. But those crazy rock n roll kids weren’t so keen and tended to remove the cover for more sustain. But the lovely, woofy, woolly thud of dampened bass strings was embraced by many of the Motown players, Paul McCartney in the early days and most famously Carol Kaye, the bass player on all the great Beach Boys recordings.
